Year: 2015

Top Distinction of Babylino Sensitive diapers at “Made in Greece 2015” Awards
Companies that have achieved outstanding performance in the production and sale of products with significant added value for the Greek economy were honored by the...

Sani Sensitive and NGO “Apostoli” standing by Third Age, begin Panhellenic campaign for Dementia
Within the context of World Day of Elderly, the 100% Greek company MEGA Disposables SA and the Greek products of personal hygiene, Sani Sensitive, are...

MEGA offers more than 300.000 baby products, to people in need!
MEGA, a 100% Greek company, with sense of responsibility towards the increasing needs of vulnerable social groups, intensifies its efforts for contribution. The first half...

Babylino Sensitive: Easter Candles donation to “Together for Children” Association
Babylino Sensitive took the initiative to support the children in need of “Together for Children” Association, by offering Easter Candles for Easter and “lighting” the...

MEGA DISPOSABLES was certified with logo «ΕΛΛΑ-ΔΙΚΑ ΜΑΣ»
MEGA Disposables has been recently certified with the logo «ΕΛΛΑ-ΔΙΚΑ ΜΑΣ» by EUROCERT S.A. The criteria which must be met in order to receive this...