Year: 2017

Mega Disposables S.A. received the “ZERO WASTE” award for its Environmental Policy
Mega Disposables S.A., a 100% Greek company with leading brands such us EveryDay, Babylino, Pom Pon, BabyCare, Wet Hankies, Sani, received, within the framework of...

«Babygive» from Babylino Sensitive. We offer from the bottom of our heart and we fully cover the need of the members of the Union “Together for Children” in baby diapers for the year 2018.
Babylino Sensitive and Lidl Hellas, with a sense of responsibility for the children’s increasing needs, they support the Union “Together for Children”, by contributing to...

One more distinction won Babylino in « Self Service Excellence Awards 2017»
Babylino has recently won the Award in the category “Product Sales / Market Share increase – Non Food” at the Self Service Excellence Awards 2017, in an impressive ceremony for Retail, held...