A commitment and a big investment for our children’s Tomorrow, in collaboration with We4all.

Faithful to its commitment to creating a better tomorrow for future generations, Mega Disposables launches a new corporate social responsibility program, with a measurable and substantial effect on the environment.
Every year approximately 100,000,000,000 sq.m. of forest area worldwide are burned or cut down. According to studies, a single tree can absorb approximately 22 kg of CO2 per year and create 117 kg of pure oxygen*.
MEGA, with the motto “We plant a tree for every child born”, joined forces with the non-profit environmental organization We4all, in a long-term effort to restore our country’s green lungs. Thus, MEGA in collaboration with We4all, will plant 1 tree for every child born in Greece in 2021, the year of the great environmental disaster in our country. Through this collaboration, 85,346 trees will be planted in our country, as many as the births in Greece in the year 2021 (Source: GREEK STATISTICAL AUTHORITY).
At the same time, the environmental action has a symbolic character, as MEGA also sends a message of hope for the future, connecting the new life of a tree with the new life of a human being, as a precious gift of life and harmony with nature.
Tree planting will be carried out by We4all, an official partner of the UN Ecosystem Restoration program, with priority given to areas affected by natural disasters. The tree planting will take place in the appropriate tree planting seasons, according to the necessary permits from the authorities and based on the studies and recommendations of We4all’s foresters and agronomists, while the tree species have been selected in relation to the biodiversity of each area. In addition, through the Babytree program, MEGA in collaboration with We4all, contributes to the European Union’s goal for the European Green Deal, which concerns the planting of 3 billion new trees by 2030.
MEGA’s initiative and investment, however, does not stop there. With the aim of a substantial result, the 100% Greek company will cover, in addition to the tree planting, the costs of caring for the trees (watering, etc.) for 3 years, which is the necessary time for the trees to survive on their own.
Another important goal of the program is to inform and raise awareness among Primary School students about environmental issues and to form an environmentally friendly mindset, which can contribute to a sustainable future. Thus, trainings will be carried out in schools, and the students will have the opportunity to participate in tree planting in their area.
MEGA’s new environmental program is part of the strategic sustainability program entitled “Act Green”, which aims to promote Sustainable Development through the substantial redesign of its products (REDESIGN), adopting the principles of the circular economy, achieving significant levels of material reuse (RECYCLE) and saving resources (REDUCE). This strategic program is practical proof that the company has put energy saving, the responsible use of natural resources and the integration of sustainable development principles into its decisions and processes at the core of its activities.
Sofia Tsaka, Corporate Social Responsibility Manager at MEGA Disposables stated: “At MEGA we believe that our actions Today determine Tomorrow, for the sake of the planet and our children. Through the new key environmental program Babytree – We plant a tree for every child born, the 85,346 trees that will be planted in Greece, in collaboration with We4all, are estimated to absorb more than 1,870 tons of CO2 every year and create more than 9,945 tons of pure oxygen**.The program Babytree is an unquestionable confirmation of our commitment to contribute to the creation of a sustainable future in a measurable and meaningful way.”
Yannis Iliopoulos, co-founder of We4all, stated: “Our new program with MEGA is the biggest effort we have ever made in Greece as an organization to deal massively with the problem of the climate crisis and the deforestation of our forests, but also to create new green lungs and the restoration of biodiversity. We are very grateful to MEGA and its people, and from today they are the most important supporters of our project.”
* Source: https://ourworldindata.org/deforestation https://www.thoughtco.com/how-much-oxygen-does-one-tree-produce-606785
** The scientific data provided is approximate, on average, and refers to trees at their mature age. Sources are accessible to everyone on the internet. The trees planted are species suitable for local ecosystems that promote biodiversity and are selected following the recommendation of foresters and agronomists.