Double Gold Award for MEGA Disposables S.A. in “Circular Economy Awards 2022”

MEGA Disposables S.A. has received two Gold distinctions in the Circular Economy Awards 2022, which highlights and rewards the best circular economy practices of the Enterprises/Organizations which are steadily shifting their production model towards a carbon-neutral future, in which resource savings, recycling and reuse play a leading role, eliminating the production of non-recyclable waste.
The purpose of the Awards was to identify companies, organizations and providers of relevant services and solutions that have demonstrated excellent progress in:
- Promoting the circular economy
- Efficient solid waste management
- Minimizing the generated solid waste
- Enhancing and upgrading the recycling of all waste streams
- Energy recovery of the generated solid waste
MEGA has been awarded with the highest distinction level, i.e. GOLD, for the below two categories:
- Packaging & Paper Recycling (Incorporation of Certified Recycled Material in Packaging)
- Corporate Social Responsibility & Circular Economy (Our Values in full alignment with Sustainable Development)
MEGA, with the absolute respect to the Principles of Circular Economy, since 2020 incorporates recycled closed – loop material in its products’ packaging, thereby contributing dynamically to the efforts of rational management of resources by avoiding the use of virgin LDPE produced from oil, thus significantly improving its carbon profile. Notably, the recycled material complies with all the strict safety standards of MEGA resulting from the demanding diagnostic and laboratory tests carried out by the company.
The above environmental initiatives are part of the Act Green Sustainability Strategic Plan.
With the ACT GREEN program, MEGA is aiming to create a positive impact of sustainability through the substantial redesign of its processes and products (REDESIGN), adopting the principles of the circular economy, achieving significant levels of material reuse (RECYCLE) and resource savings (REDUCE).
MEGA, through its daily operations, as well as its strategic choices, is promoting responsible production and consumption, thereby contributing to the common effort for ensuring a sustainable future to the next generations.