MEGA: Double donation to the Fire Brigade

- Fire protection equipment
- Personal hygiene products for the protection of firefighters
Mega Disposables, with a timeless sense of responsibility towards the Society and the Environment, MEGA, made two important donations to the Fire Department of Attica and the Fire Department of Eastern Attica.
In order to further shield the forests of Attica, MEGA donated fire safety equipment to the Fire Department of Attica under the ACT GREEN: Redesign – Reduce – Recycle sustainability program, intensifying further initiatives for the protection of the environment. At the same time, the company donated more than 9,600 masks, as well as MEGA antiseptic products to the Fire Department of Eastern Attica.
This is an initiative implemented in collaboration with the Deputy Regional Governor of Eastern Attica Th. Avgerinos, under the guidance of the Attica Regional Governor G. Patoulis, contributing to the protection of individual firefighters during the pandemic.