Actions for Society
Customer Support
Following the extensive increase in demand for antiseptic products, but also based in new needs arising due to pandemic for enhanced protection products, MEGA immediately made its know-how and resources available to the public health service.
1) Significant investments in new production lines of antiseptic products and surgical masks
Through emergency investments in additional production lines for antiseptic wipes, as well as for other personal hygiene products, MEGA contributed towards helping Greece achieve self-sufficiency of pandemic-related critical products for the domestic market. The investments were made immediately, and the new production lines for antiseptic wipes were put into operation quickly, while at the same time they were staffed by appropriately trained personnel.
In addition, MEGA invested in production lines of surgical masks (EN 14683), starting production in October 2020. A capacity of 200 million surgical masks per year was secured. The new production lines and raw materials are of European origin, while ensuring intact production at all stages of production and packaging of the product.
2) Design of enhanced protection products and assurance of sufficiency of anticeptic products for our country needs
- MEGA optimized its production processes and it invested in aditional machinery for the production of anticeptic products, with the aim to adequately cover heavily increased customer needs, due to the pandemic.
- The company designed a new set of enhanced protection products, with scientifically proven action against bacteria and viruses, including coronavirus. Combining its special know-how and its unwavering commitment to product safety, our company immediately made all the necessary investments in R&D and in mechanical equipment, in order to contribute to the fight against the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Thus, the company designed locally and introduced the following new products in the market:
- New MEGA enhanced antiseptic lotion, with 70% ethyl alcohol
- New wet antiseptic wipes MEGA enhanced with 70% ethyl alcohol and additional antiseptic agent.
- New innovative wet antiseptic wipes Wet Hankies Extra Safe wipes. The first antiseptic wipe with scientifically proven action against coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.
Support to the Elderly
1. Nationwide information and prevention campaign for Alzheimer and Dementia (2015- 2020)
Having Health Protection as a key pillar of its Corporate Social Responsibility Programs, MEGA could not remain indifferent to the problems faced by the country’s senior citizens. It is estimated that there are 200,000 people with dementia in Greece, while this number is expected to exceed 600,000 by 2050.
Considering the rapid increase of the disease, the limited access to health systems but also the lack of adequate information (especially in remote areas) it was deemed necessary to respond immediately. Thus, MEGA joined forces with “APOSTOLI” and “Karelio” Model Center of Alzheimer for the implementation of nationwide Dementia monitoring and educating campaigns.
In the last four years participants of this social program have visited more than 40 cities, islands and remote areas of Greece, touching the lives of some 5,000 who were examined for and educated about the delipidated effects of the condition.
2. Sani Sensitive and AB Vasilopoulos are close to the Elderly with the Social Program “Enter”
In 2019, our brand Sani Sensitive supported active aging by implementing a new targeted program for the Elderly, entitled “Press Enter”.
The program aimed to encourage and educate the elderly on the digital age, in collaboration with Municipalities and care centers for the elderly (KAPI) of the country. In the first stage, the program was implemented in collaboration with the Municipality of Athens and was addressed to the officially 4,500 registered members of the 25 Friendship Clubs of the Municipality of Athens.
The Program «Press Εnter» and the collaboration with the Municipality of Athens included the following:
- Free of charge computer courses by experienced instructors exclusively for the officially registered members of the 25 Friendship Clubs of the Municipality of Athens.
- Free provision of 10 computers, which were installed in 10 Friendship Clubs of the Municipality of Athens, in order to provide daily access to the internet.
- Participation of the members who attended the program in an electronic draw with a gift of 25 tablets of the latest technology Samsung Galaxy Tab A (2019) SM-T510 Tablet 10.1″ Wi-Fi Black.
Specifically, the program «Enter» had the following targets:
- To facilitate the daily life of elderly people
- To bring them closer to their loved ones
- To teach them how to be informed and how to develop new useful interests and hobbies with the help of the Internet.
- To enable them to make online purchases.
- To educate them on safe internet navigation.
3. Experiencial Theater Workshops for the Elderly in the context of active aging (2016 -2018)
The Experiencial Theater Workshops for the Elderly is a social initiative designed in the context of acting aging, to project optimism and improve the life of the elderly through art.
The objectives of the workshops were to help the elderly practice memory, demonstrate their skills, and familiarize themselves with teamwork and socialization.
The initiative took place in the Friendship Clubs of the Municipality of Athens and in the KAPI of the Municipalities of Thessaloniki, Agioi Anargyroi – Kamatero, Acharnes, Galatsi, Nikaia & Peristeri, while a total of more than 1,000 elderly people participated, in role playing, as well as in the organization and theater acting.
Support to the Young Generation
1. MEGA Business Day: MEGA (big) dreams, MEGA (big) sucesses
MEGA welcomed in its facilities for two continuous years (2018 – 2019), students from major Universities (National Technical University of Athens, Athens University of Economics, etc.) and organized a special training day, titled “MEGA Business Day: MEGA dreams, MEGA successes”.
During the Business Day Event, select company’s Managers guided the students to the premises of the MEGA factory, giving them the opportunity to learn closely the production stages of all its products.
In addition, they learned useful tips for the first steps of their professional life from the executives of the Human Resources Department of MEGA. The Business Day ended with an interactive workshop, inspired by the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility activities.
2. EveryDay supported the 13th Intensive Conference on Adolescent Health / Medicine for the 6th consecutive year
In 2020 the event covered topics related to the Covid-19 pandemic and, as in previous years,, modules of organic and psychosocial fields, while programs were presented to the community and modern ways of intervention / improvement were discussed.
Τhe “State of the Art” Intensive Adolescent Health/Medicine Conference was held online by the Hellenic Society of Adolescent Medicine (HSAM), in collaboration with the Scientific Organization “Together for Adolescent Health” and the new Postgraduate Programs “Adolescent Development Strategies” and “Developmental and Adolescent Health Strategies” .
The Conference was carried out under the auspices of significant bodies such as World Health Organization (WHO), International Organization for Adolescent Health, and with the contribution of the scientific staff of the Adolescent Health Unit, B’ Pediatric Clinic of University of Athens, Children’s Hospital “Pan. & Agl. Kyriakou”.
The Adolescent Health Unit provides specialized services and is a part of a program of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (EKPA), which is based on the guidelines of WHO for “friendly” teenagers’ services (Distinction of Optimal WHO Practice 2018).
3. Pom Pon supporter in Sail for Pink 2020 online event
MEGA, with Pom Pon products signature, has been for three consecutive years a Supporter of “Sail for Pink”, which is organized annually by the Association of Women with Breast Cancer “Alma Zois”, by the Thessaloniki Municipality, helping to convey the message that breast cancer can be defeated, if diagnosed during its early stages.
Sail for Pink campaigns are organized with the aim to disseminate the importance of early diagnosis and prevention, as well as to inform as many people as possible about the fight against breast cancer.

4. Creation of the program “Prevention = Life Attitude” in cooperation with the Hellenic Society of Adelescent Medicine (2015)
The main goal of the action is to inform and sensitize adolescents and their families about the great importance of prevention from an early age. The overall program “Prevention = Life Attitude” includes various activities, such as online library (, experiential interactive workshops, Parents’ Academy, publications, lectures at conferences, presence of experts of the Hellenic Society of Adolescent Medicine in TV shows, analyzing and providing advice on important issues of adolescence.
Support for children, families and vulnerable groups
1. Mother and Child Program. An initiative aimed at providing free medical care to infants and pregnant women in collaboration with Doctors of the World (2018 -2021)
For four consecutive years, MEGA has been actively supporting the Doctors of the World program “Mother and Child”, which focuses on the protection and care of pregnant women and infants in Greece.
The program’s objective is to offer health care to pregnant women and newborns belonging to vulnerable population groups, who live in Athens, through the Open Polyclinic of Doctors of the World.
More analytically, the program includes, among others, the provision of pediatric services to infants and children, coverage of pharmaceutical needs/ doctor examinations as well as distribution of baby kits. The report of the partnership of Doctors of the World and MEGA, within the “Mother & Child” program, is indicative of the care needs of infants and pregnant women.
Since May 2018, the program has conducted more than 6,761 pediatric and 522 gynecological visits, more than 2,032 children have been vaccinated, while 2,010 baby care kits have been distributed.
2.«Roof of Care» in Children SOS Villages
Babylino Sensitive has constantly supported the “Roof of Care” during five consecutive years.
The action concerns the annual adoption of a Home in the SOS Children Village in Plagiari, Thessaloniki, covering all needs, such as food, clothing, general household expenses, medical expenses, SOS Mothers’ salary, PPC, heating, water, psychological – psychosocial and psychological support educational activities.
3. Offering School supplies to 350 children in 1st class of primary school (LFA) (2016-2021)
For six consecutive years, MEGA has been supporting the Athens Association of Large Families.
Each year, in a special festive ceremony just before the beginning of the new school year, MEGA offers school bags, cases and all the necessary school supplies to all families with children attending Year One of primary school.
This initiative is a continuation of the systematic actions of MEGA towards the Philoprogenitive community.
4. Contribution to Large Families (2015 -2021)
For many consecutive years, through systematic and continuous actions in Athens and Thessaloniki, we are next to large families, in collaboration with the Athens Association of Large Families with:
- Offering school supplies for 400 primary school children
- Rewarding distinguished students from large families
- Donations of personal care products to large families with children from 0 – 3 years
5. Close to new Mothers in cooperation with public Maternity Hospitals (2016- 2017)
Babylino Sensitive was close to new mothers who are in extreme poverty conditions and in collaboration with the social services of the Public Maternity Hospitals “Elena” and “Alexandra” offered the “box of care”, which included clothing items and daily care products that newborns need.
Since the beginning of the program, a total of 400 care boxes have been provided, fully covering the needs of the social services of the two public maternity hospitals for one year.
Continuous support to Public Health
1. Offering medical equipment in pediatric departments of Greek public Hospitals
For seven years, MEGA, in collaboration with the Association for the Treatment of Child Trauma, has been donating critical, technologically advanced medical equipment to help upgrade the infrastructure of pediatric departments of public hospitals in Greece.
Program Objectives:
- Response to one of the most important needs, Health, to particularly vulnerable infants and children.
- Support the pediatric health structures of the public health system.
Based on annual hospital statistics, our activities have benefited more than 20,000 children.
Donations include the following:
Medical Technical Equipment for the Pediatric clinic of General Hospital “Genimatas – Ag. Dimitrios” in Thessaloniki
- Centrifugal Hematocrit Table
- Portable pulse oximeter
- Wheeled analog sphygmomanometer with 3 cuffs
- Wheeled cold light test lamp
- Wheeled analog sphygmomanometer with 4 cuffs
- Portable vein detector
Medical Technical Equipment of Intensive Care Units for newborns of A’ Pediatric Clinic of National and Kapodistrain University of Athens in Children Hospital “Agia Sofia”
- Incubator
- Monitor
- Tool for development skills evaluation
- Spectroscope
- Dermatoscop
- Cryotherapy System
- Bed for patient examination
Medical Technical Equipment for Penteli’s Children Hospital
- Video recording and storage of endoscopic surgeries
- Modern ultrasound scanner
- Aeronometer for measuring intraocular pressure for children
- Surgical monitor
- Tweezer Clickline Kelly – Dissecter production and tissue capture
- Tweezer Clickline traumatic capture – microfiches
- Shaped S hooks for the HASSON technique
- Needle holder Left, Diameter of 5mm
- Needle holder Right, Diameter of 5mm
- 2 ΤRΟΚΑR 6MM – Length of 10CM, with Conical Sharp Steele
- Spare Valves ΤRΟΚΑR
- Stabilization Threaded sleeve for ΤRΟΚΑR 5MM
Medical Technical for Heraklion University General Hospital
- Modern Electroencephalograph
2. Program «Babydino» for families affected by the fire
Babylino Sensitive supported the families affected by the devastating fires of July 2018.
Recognizing that the needs of fire-affected families with infants and children are numerous and may remain such for a long term, we offered to all families with children from 0 to 3 years Babylino baby diapers for two years.
The action was carried out in collaboration with the Municipalities of Marathonas, Megara and Rafina – Pikermi, which they were responsible for the delivery of baby diapers to all beneficiary families, whose permanent residences were declared as uninhabitable or temporarily uninhabitable by the relevant competent authorities.
3. “Babydino” from Babylino Sensitive for the Association “Together for a Child” (2017 -2018)
Babylino Sensitive, with a sense of responsibility towards the growing needs of children, has supported the Association “Together for a Child” contributing to covering the needs of baby diapers for all members of the Association for the entire 2018 calendar year.
Associations’ members who were the beneficiaries of this program are: The Friends of the Child, The Friends of Care, “Children Roof” Foundation, Foundation of Social Labour “Chatzikiriakio”, Company for protection of spastic children, Center for special People “Chara”, Panhellenic Association for fight against Juvenile Diabetes and “PNOI” – Friends of Children Intensive Care.
4. 4 tonnes of MEGA’s personal hygiene products sent to Lebanon, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Our company joined forces with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and sent antiseptic products, cotton and baby diapers to Lebanon.
Following the unprecedented deadly explosion that struck the port of Beirut on August 4, 2020 and its catastrophic consequences in human losses, thousands of injuries and incalculable material and environmental damage, MEGA donated four tonnes of its personal hygiene products.